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LaTeX Document  |  2006-06-08  |  8KB  |  299 lines

  1. ; PSPad clip definition file for LaTeX
  2. ; Created by PSPad  30.1.2003
  3. ; Author:  Tom
  4.  Vacek
  5. ; Translation: Jan Fiala
  6. [Macro definition]
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  139. \item
  140. \item
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  145. \item
  146. \item
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  148. et3 |b listiong with cations]
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  170. |&=& \\
  171. &=&  \\
  172. &=&  \\
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  177. \%ReckaAbecedaMala%|
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  183. l |b Integral]
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  230.  OKRAJ
  231.  - RELATIVN
  232.  K NASTAVEN
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  258. \begin{document}
  259. \jpgfig{0.3}{p.png}
  260. \paragraph{Kalend
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